High comic prices. They need to stop. I personally think it's killing the industry. $4 to $5 a comic? Gone are the days of buying a good handful or stack of comics. I only stick to 1 or 2 titles now. I buy about 4 comics now if I go to the comic store. That's about $16!! That's crazy! Gone are the days of buying 7 or 8 minimum, taking chances on new titles. I'm done reading comics in 5 to 10 minutes, there goes the $4. WTF?
I'm trying to buy more graphic novels but it's too easy to put those off. It's putting me off as a lifelong fan and I can imagine it keeps parents from buying more then 1 or 2 comics for their kids.
In my opinion this hurts the industry and makes me kind of scared about my future in it. Where do comics eventually go? The web? Is this where all print is going? Even collectable books of any kind? Will people pay for online comics?
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Well, it's just a matter of time before I put in word balloons for the comic...my thoughts so far...I'm so glad this is coming to an end, it wraps up the story nicely.
Sometimes you draw and ink in flow and momentum. When the time comes to do background work, sometimes you skimp on the details for the sake of momentum and flow. I don't regret skimping on these for the sake of quicker production because I know those details would only take a few days to finish them.