Ka-Blam prints my comic!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Great Lakes Expo at Trinity

It's finally my first time as a guest at a Comic Con! Well, Comic Expo. I've printed put all three issues of Rage. They've been redone, they all have glossy pages.
Soon, hopefully at the same time, the comic will be available online at  indyplanet.com.

I'm really excited about this. Hoping to see friends and family. Looking forward to meeting new readers and fellow comic fans. This is just the beginning of Rage's
long adventuring career. While I won't
consider him an overnight sucess, I will
consider him a hero about 26 years in the making.

Can't wait to see you all there today!!
Even if it's just one person that I know.

Trinity Lutheran Church/School
Clinton Twp. MI

...does it every really go away?