Ka-Blam prints my comic!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Woking as an Indie Comic Artist

Hopefully as you know Rage #4 is out now at indyplanet.com you can order the issue by mail and or download it for only 99 cents!

Already progress is being made on Rage 4.5. It's an intro story for Rage #5 (which will be my biggest issue to date, possibly a two-parter!) 

Check out a short vid of it on my home YouTube page here:

I’m setting a new standard of drawing rate which is a minimum of 1 panel a day which with my schedule turns out to 1 page a day. That’s about 4 pages a month, a good steady start, but looking at increasing that to 2 pages a week ideally which I’ll probably be at for a while. I’m someone with a thirty hour week job so it’s possible.

It’s the inking that will be the trick. How can I accelerate the inking process if it takes me one week to ink a page? That IS the question. I could hand off the pages to someone else to ink but I would have to pay them a decent fee. Will the comic sell enough to make up for that cost? Hmm…
Even though inking is a bit easier then drawing it’s still time consuming. I could shoot for inking 2-3 panels a day. It’s tough when comics aren’t your main job. A lot is asked of independent creators and this is all without color! 

How to make it our main PAYING job so we can do it more efficiently? That is something that I’m trying really hard to figure out. In the words of the great Dennis Miller, I don’t want to go on a rant here but I could go on about how artists are screwed from getting paid efficiently like other professions unless you’re in the top 3%. This is something that I must change because I was meant to do it. Born to draw, make art and comics so I should be able to make a living at it and so should a lot of struggling artists!
It’s time to be the change and go all in.

Here's the link to Rage #4 out now! Order it for mail or download!