Ka-Blam prints my comic!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Blog

Well this is my first post on my new blog. My only gripe right now is the name of my blog.
Movin' Slow might give people the wrong impression about my business. It's all in good fun and I'm not slow all the time!

Anyway, I plan to release my next comic Rage #3 (working title) hopefully before the end of the year. Here, I'll put a date to it and try to stick with it 12-12-11.

I'm currently inking the comic right now. This will be the longest, biggest comic I've done so far! Coming in at around a whopping 30 pages!

Rage #3 will wrap up the story arc that I started years ago.

After Rage #3 I plan to start my 50 page graphic novel '4th Hour' after I complete the book by the same name in 12-12-11 (hmm, I sense a pattern here).

In the meantime, I'm also taking on various storyboard work for various independent directors and I plan to shoot my next film this summer starting in around June 15, 2011 (we'll see).

Also, check out my podcast The Ham Palace (I'll put the link up very soon). I plan to do another episode shortly and more episodes regularly this summer.

Not bad for my first blog on here, a little scattershot, but not bad yeah.