Ka-Blam prints my comic!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Something in The Works

Now that all three issues of Rage have come out, I've been thinking about Rage and what's next for him. I'm planing on definitely more issues but they'll be more self contained stories instead of three issue story arcs.
This is challenging, because they'll be very short, short, stories. About ten pages each, but if I get faster they might be longer. Rage's journey now will be a lot more introspective and hopefully shed some light on the half-bear-half human condition...
Anyway, 4th Hour the comic is still unfortunately on hold. That comic will come out along side Rage, once and a while.
Also in the works, is at least one or two issues explaining Rage's origin story. Still not sure how I'm gonna approach that one. So far his back story has been at a bear minimal...pun intended, but parts of it are up my head. Some fun flashback stories of Rage and Sgt. Gray are being played out. There could be lots of War Journal stories for them.
Well, thar's it for now. Stay tuned for an update to the blog as well as a chance  to buy issues on here too. As you can see the PayPal button in up but you can't order issues unless you go to IndyPlanet.com
Thanks for readin'.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rage Hits Indy Planet!

Finally, it's here! After months and weeks of waiting you can order and enjoy all three issues of Rage! There's been a lot of talk and a whole lot of waiting. You've been witnessed to the creative process since this blog began. Now, finally, the complete three issue story arc in ragin' black & white!

I wanna personally thank all of you for reading this blog and reading about the superlong process of determination that it takes to see this to the end.

It's a story of love lost, a story of a wandering ronin from another planet, and a story of long lost and regained friendship!

Now! You can order from your own home
The complete storyline of A Simple, Painless Life. All three issues: The Adventures of Rage, A Simple Painless Life & For Sahara.

I've made all three issues as cheap as I could for this special occasion!

Download the first issue for only 99 cents and see if it works for ya!

Here's the link:

Let me know what you think people, good or bad.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Rage to Hit Indy Planet Soon

   Soon, the complete story For Sahara story arc of Rage will be available on indyyplanet.com. It has been a long, long, time comin. That's all three first issues finally available!
   I'm proud of the work that I've accomplished and proud of Rage. Soon his adventures will continue. Be sure to check back at this blog regularly as well as my home website cjcalderon94.wixsite.com/storyartist
   Soon, I might also have the comic available for purchase on this blog, hence the PayPal button. Once that's set up to go, I'll blog the news.
   Thanks to you guys checking back here from time to time over the years!
   The ultimate quest will begin for Rage as we wanders the path of a ronin, in search of a new purpose...stay tuned

Friday, July 14, 2017

Great Lakes Expo at Trinity

It's finally my first time as a guest at a Comic Con! Well, Comic Expo. I've printed put all three issues of Rage. They've been redone, they all have glossy pages.
Soon, hopefully at the same time, the comic will be available online at  indyplanet.com.

I'm really excited about this. Hoping to see friends and family. Looking forward to meeting new readers and fellow comic fans. This is just the beginning of Rage's
long adventuring career. While I won't
consider him an overnight sucess, I will
consider him a hero about 26 years in the making.

Can't wait to see you all there today!!
Even if it's just one person that I know.

Trinity Lutheran Church/School
Clinton Twp. MI

...does it every really go away?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Novi Comic Con Part 1

       Had a chance to go to the Novi Comic Con in May. Good times, long line for that one. As long as it was though, my friend and I were introduced to an older guy who was a long time comic fan. It was cool talking comics with him. He was a Jack Kirby fan, showed us his beautiful essential Kirby book in glossy color. We talked about the Marvel & DC movies, the pros and cons. It was a good talk.
    After we finally got in, we were on the move for deals and comics. Soon I Found how completely random all the comics were. There were good deals on graphic novels but non were the ones I wanted and I had to be picky with the ones that I buy now due to my huge collection.
     There were a ton of cool celebrities. John Barroman of Dr. Who fame (Captain Jack!), Michael Rooker who was hugging fans and really enjoying his fame boost from Gaurdians of The Galaxy. Kristy Swanson, who looked good but was charging $50-$70 per autograph! That's the thing. Autographs were a minimum of $40!! I used to pay $20! It's really hard to justifty that much of a purchase for an autograph. Unbelievable! Photo-Op $60, give me a break! The thing was there just wasn't much to justify spending my money on...

Friday, March 17, 2017

Rage 1-3 Redux

As more printed issues of Rage # 3 
pour out.
Rage 1&2 continue to be worked on. Page  numbers reworked, contrasts adjusted. Making comics ain't easy. The craftsmenship at times can be just as taxing and as complicated as the art itself. This is one of the reasons I don't color my comics. Just too complicated and time consuming. I've been thinking about experimenting with watercolors. Painting them firsthand might be a bit quicker.

Things are in motion now. The first issue will be a great free introductory issue.
If you see me at a Con this year, chances are I'll have all three comics on the table.
In the meantime, Rage will be on current adventures on a more consistent basis.
Rage's sword hangs over my head, keeping me at work, no matter how slow.

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Great Lakes Comic Con 2017

     Had a chance to go to The Great Lakes Comic Con and had a bit more fun then I thought! It reminded of my first con in Novi, Michigan. A bit smaller a bit more intimate but a lot more
to look at.
   There were a lot of 50 cent comics and a wide variety of DC and Marvel. I didn't see many independent comics beside the ones from indie comic guys that were there. There were some pushy indie creators super hungry for attention, but not many. Most were well enough behaved so I approached a booth or two to introduce myself and get to know them. I was wondering how big the con was going to be and thought it was only going to be a few isles. There were about 6 but with a lot of more merchandise. You can cover the con in one day but in two days you can get the whole thing in and it's only $15 for both days!
     I saw Jake the Snake Roberts but missed his lecture/presentation since I was tuckered out from all the walking the day before.
    The Great Lakes and Detroit Chapter Ghostbusters were there posing for pictures. Of course their uniforms and proton packs looked amazing. Their packs used the sound effects from the movie. There was an inflatable Stay-Puft Marshmellow man that was walking around and hugging everybody.
     There was an expert balloon sculptor that made a life-sized balloon man in about thirty minutes.
     You could learn new board games and play them.
     You could play old school arcade games for free! Play The Shadow pinball game!
     Yep, there was a lot to do in the college gymnasium. 
    Saw Tom Cook, who was an animator and director on He-Man, Super-Friends, and The Flinstones. Super-nice guy! He had some great stories about his days at Filmmation.
    The best thing for me is that it was only 10 minutes away! Go to the your local cons and support them. You don't have to pay for a hotel and a lot of gas. When a con is that close, you gotta go!

The old front entrance
 That's not me on the mic.

                                                        I'll post the name of this guy later...

                                                           Modified Ecto-1. Still cool.

Friday, February 10, 2017

New Rage Comics Printing Soon

Well, soon more issues of Rage #3 will be published. Once a satisfactory amount of them have been printed (100 issue for first initial run).

Still looking at going to The Great Lakes Comic Con in Michigan in late Feb. Instead of putting money into buying a table I'm probably going to invest the money into printing issues. At least 50 back issues of Rage #1 and Rage#2. Thinking of doing a print on demand as well. I'll bring a sketchbook to draw various other superheroes if the people demand it.

Also, be aware of Rage's online presence. I plan to feature the first classic Rage on my website for FREE! Once again it will be posted on cjcalderon94.wixsite.com/storyartist/illustrations.

I plan on doing smaller web comics on there. They will vary from 1-8 pages and sometimes or sometimes 3 to 6 panels. All depends on the story.

Below is the back of Rage #1 redux print version. The first Rage comic was part of a anthology series, now the files are ready for a reprinting as its own individual comic. Coming soon, once the finances are in place.

Monday, January 30, 2017

New Website and Funding Obstacles

About 20 Rage 3 issues printed so far. It's a micro run so far. Also looking at getting a table at a local winter comic con at Macomb Community college. Trying to get this batch of comics plus issues 1 and 2 done first. It's a bit of money for me right now so I'm starting to think of alternative methods for providing back issues. Thinking of print on demand or putting up my first comic online here and at my new website!

It's a Wix wesite and it's got some samples of work, also podcast and films that I've done.

My words of wisdom so far for first time indie comic creators is, have a somewhat dependable stream of income where you can afford a print run and table at a convention.